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A repository of articles about things doctors didn't learn in medical school, covering side gigs, finances, the business of medicine, life in medicine, and more. These resources are intended to take a deeper dive into specific topics referenced in our educational pages.
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Coast FIRE: A Milestone in the Financial Independence Journey When You No Longer Need to Save for Retirement
What Coast FIRE is, how to calculate your number, and what hitting this milestone in the financial independence journey means for physicians

The 4 Percent Rule: How Much Money You Need to Retire & Your Financial Independence Number
The 4 percent rule helps determine how much money you need to retire comfortably and calculate if you’ve achieved financial independence.

Should You Refinance Your Mortgage? When It Makes Sense and Pitfalls to Avoid
How to decide when to refinance a mortgage based on pros and cons, interest rate cuts, and other factors to determine if it makes sense

What Do Interest Rate Cuts Mean for Physicians?
What the federal rate cut and declining interest rates mean for physicians, looking at mortgages, student loans, savings accounts & more

Disability Insurance FAQs: How Much DI Benefit Do I Need As A Doctor?
How to determine how much monthly benefit you need when purchasing disability insurance, what most physicians get, & when to adjust coverage

Disability Insurance FAQs: When To Consider Dropping or Modifying Your Policy or Changing Your Benefit Amount
When and how physicians should drop or modify their disability insurance policy, & options considering age, work changes, income, & savings

Disability Insurance FAQs: Pregnancy and Why Women Should Get DI Before Getting Pregnant
Why women should buy their disability insurance policies before getting pregnant and FAQs about pregnancy, short term DI, and exclusions

Mortgages for Locums or 1099 Physicians
Getting a mortgage as a locums or 1099 physician without a 2 year track record can be challenging, but not impossible.

How to Freeze Your Credit and Protect Against Identity Theft, Data Breaches, & Fraud
Freezing your credit protects physicians from identity theft, fraud, & data breaches. We cover pros and cons and how to freeze and unfreeze.

Is There Such a Thing As Passive Income, and What Sources Exist?
The reality of passive income, what sources come closest to providing it for physicians, & how to make side gig money come easier over time.
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