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A repository of articles about things doctors didn't learn in medical school, covering side gigs, finances, the business of medicine, life in medicine, and more. These resources are intended to take a deeper dive into specific topics referenced in our educational pages.
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How Website Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Improves Private Practice and Business Marketing
What search engine optimization (SEO) is, & how it helps increase the search rankings of your private practice or side gig website content

Why Proactive Online Reputation Management Is Critical for Private Practice Physicians
How proactive reputation management of online reviews helps physicians build patient trust & volume in competitive private practice markets

Renting Out Your Private Practice’s Unused Office Space
How physician practices can generate additional revenue by renting out unused office space, & what to know about sharing rooms & overhead

Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) Report Filing: What Physicians Need To Know
What physicians who own a legal business entity need to know about the requirement to file a beneficial ownership information (BOI) report

Negotiating a Private Practice Lease Agreement or Renewal
Questions to ask and points to negotiate when signing a private practice lease agreement or renewal to ensure it meets your needs & finances

Private Practice Valuation: What is EBITDA and How is a Multiple Determined?
EBITDA and its multiple are core metrics in business valuation & transactions that should be optimized when selling a private practice.

Guide to Marketing a Private Practice for Physicians
Tried and true marketing strategies for private practice physicians to increase patient volumes and visibility to their target populations

The Pros and Cons of Private Practice
While we love private practice for its autonomy and income potential, you should weigh pros and cons to ensure it's the right job for you.

Ancillary Revenue Streams for Private Practices
15 ways to add ancillary revenue to combat rising overhead costs for private practices.

Physician Contract Negotiations: The Noncompete Clause
While many employers won't remove a physician's noncompete clause entirely, intentional contract negotiation can make them less restrictive.
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